Nehemiah rebuilds the walls

Nehemiah 2:11—4:23

Nehemiah was the king’s special helper. One day, Nehemiah’s brother came from far away to visit him. “The city where we used to live had strong walls. Now they are broken. The city is not safe.”

Nehemiah was sad. So Nehemiah prayed to God. When the king saw Nehemiah he asked him, “Why are you so sad?” Nehemiah said, “I am sad because the wall around my city is broken down.”

The king said, “You may go and help the people build the wall. Come back when it is finished.” Nehemiah was very happy.

When Nehemiah came to the city, he said to all the people, “We can build the wall. We can make it strong again.”

Everyone worked together. After many days, the wall was finished. Everyone was glad to see the wall. And Nehemiah was glad God had heard his prayer

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