Josiah hears God’s Word

2 Kings 22:1—23:3; 2 Chronicles 34:14-32

Josiah was only eight years old when he became king. No one in his country read God’s Word anymore. Even the priests who were in charge of the Temple didn’t know where God’s Word was!

One day a priest in the Temple found a scroll with God’s Word written on it. He ran to the king’s helper. “Here is a scroll with God’s Word written on it!” the priest said. “King Josiah will want to see this!” The helper took the scroll to the king.

The king’s helper read God’s Word to Josiah. King Josiah listened to God’s Word. King Josiah loved God and wanted to obey God’s Word, but when he heard what was written in God’s Word, he cried. It made him sad to learn that his people were not obeying God.

King Josiah called all the leaders together. He told them what God’s Word said. Josiah and all the leaders promised to obey God’s Word.

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