Samuel chooses a king

1 Samuel 8:1—10:24

Samuel grew up to be the leader of Israel. He was called a judge. Now Samuel was getting old. Some people talked to Samuel. They said, “Give us a king like all the other countries around us. We want to be like them.”

Samuel was upset because he knew God was the real King of Israel! So he prayed to God. God said, “Samuel, warn them. Tell them that a king will make them his servants and will take their land and animals.”

Samuel told the people all the things God had said. The people didn’t care! They said, “We want a king anyway!”

About that time, a young man named Saul was out looking for his father’s lost donkeys. As Saul walked into town, Samuel saw Saul. God said, “Samuel, here’s the man I want to be king.”

Samuel said to Saul, “I’d like you to come and eat with me. And don’t worry, your donkeys have been found.” The next morning, Samuel took a small bottle of olive oil and poured it on Saul’s head saying, “The Lord has chosen you to be the leader of His people.” And from that time, God helped Saul become ready to be king.

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