God sends ravens with food for Elijah

1 Kings 17:1-6

Ahab was the new king of Israel. Ahab didn’t worship God. Ahab built places to worship idols instead of God. Many of the people in Israel stopped worshiping God because of the evil things that Ahab did. God was angry with Ahab.

Elijah didn’t worship idols. Elijah obeyed God. Elijah went to see King Ahab. “There won’t be any rain for a long time,” Elijah said. “There won’t be any rain to make the food in the fields grow. There won’t be any rain to make the grass green. There won’t be any rain to give the people water to drink.” Ahab was very angry.

So God told Elijah to hide from the king. Elijah left the city. He walked and walked. Elijah came to a brook. Elijah drank some water from the brook. God told Elijah to stay by the brook. God told Elijah that birds called ravens were going to bring food to him. Every morning and every evening the ravens came with bread and meat for Elijah to eat.

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