Elijah goes to heaven

2 Kings 2:1-14

Elijah was an important prophet who told people messages from God. But it was time for Elijah to leave and go to heaven. Elijah and Elisha walked together. They crossed a river. Elijah said, “If God lets you see me when I go up to heaven, then you will take over my job.”

Suddenly a chariot and some horses that looked like fire swooped down out of the sky! Then Elijah went to heaven in a whirlwind. All that was left was Elijah’s cloak that had fallen to the ground. Elisha picked up the cloak.

Elisha had seen the chariot and the horses. It was very exciting! Elisha was sad that Elijah was not going to be with him anymore, but now Elisha had an important job to do. Elisha knew God was with him and would help him.

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