Paul’s ship wrecks in a storm

Acts 27:1-44

Paul and many other people climbed onto a big ship. Paul knew it would not be safe to travel on the sea at this time. He told the people on the ship, “If we sail now, we’ll have problems.” The people didn’t listen. The wind began to blow. It blew the ship out to sea.

Then the wind began to blow harder and harder. Splash! Splash! The waves splashed high in the air and into the ship. The waves almost knocked the ship over! Big dark clouds covered the sky. Rain came pouring down. Everyone on the ship was afraid.

Paul had good news for the people. “Don’t be afraid,” Paul said. “No one will be hurt. God sent an angel to tell me that God will take care of all of us.”

Early in the morning, the people saw land! They tried to sail to the shore. But the big, strong waves pushed the ship into some sand just under the water. Crash! The ship broke apart into little pieces. All the people jumped into the water. They found their way to the land. No one had been hurt. God took care of all the people.

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