God makes a promise

Genesis 8:1—9:17

The earth was covered with water for a long time. Finally, the water went away enough for the bottom of the ark to rest on a mountain. The earth began to dry up.

Noah and his family and all the animals stayed on the ark for many days. When the earth was dry enough, God told Noah to come out of the ark. Noah’s family must have been so excited! The animals must have been very excited, too. It had been a long time since they had been able to run and climb and leap on dry ground.

After he let all the animals out of the ark, Noah built an altar, a special place to worship God. Noah thanked God for keeping his family safe during the flood.

God was happy to hear Noah praying. He promised Noah that He would never again destroy all living things with a flood. God put a rainbow in the sky to remind everyone of His promise.

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