God helps Gideon defeat the Midianites

Judges 7:1-21

Many people came to help Gideon fight the Midianites. But many of the men were afraid. “Let everyone who is afraid go home,” God told Gideon. Most of the men left.

But God thought Gideon’s army was still too big. God told Gideon to take the men to the river to get a drink. Most of the men got down on their knees to drink. God told Gideon to send those men home.

Now only three hundred men were left. That was not very many! The army from Midian had more men than Gideon could count. There was no way that only three hundred men could win a battle against such a big army!

God told Gideon what to do. Gideon gave each man in his army a trumpet and a jar with a torch inside. The men surrounded the Midianite camp.

At just the right time they blew their trumpets, broke their jars and shouted, “The sword of the Lord and Gideon!” When the big Midianite army heard the noise and saw the lights, they ran away! God saved His people with a small army and a leader who obeyed God.

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