God creates the world

Genesis 1:1—2:25

In the beginning, before anything was anything, God made the heavens and the earth. He just said, “Let there be light,” and there was light! Then God made the sky and the land and the oceans. God made the plants and the sun, moon and stars. He liked what He made. It was very good!

Then God said, “Let the sky be filled with birds that fly.” And it was. He said, “Let the waters be filled with all sorts of creatures.” Then there were fish, dolphins, jellyfish, and many other creatures in the water. Next, God made every kind of animal. When God saw all the creatures that He made, He said that they were very good.

Then God did something even more special! He took some dirt and formed it into a man. Then God breathed into the man and he became alive. Next, God made a woman. They were the first people—people like you and me. They were named Adam and Eve. God loved Adam and Eve. Everything God made was very good.

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