Paul and Silas sing praises to God in jail

Acts 16:16-40

Paul and his friend Silas were put in jail because some people were angry with them. The jailer put chains on their feet. Paul and Silas didn’t act afraid.

Paul and Silas sang songs and prayed to God. The other prisoners in the jail listened to Paul and Silas.

In the middle of the night, the ground began to shake and the walls of the jail began to crumble. There was a terrible earthquake and all the doors of the jail came open. The chains on Paul and Silas came off!

The jailer thought that all the prisoners had escaped. The jailer decided that it would be better to kill himself than to be punished for losing the prisoners.

Paul cried out, “Don’t hurt yourself! We are all still here!” The jailer took Paul and Silas out of the jail and took them home to take care of them. Now the jailer wanted to know about Jesus. Everyone in the jailer’s family heard the good news about Jesus and believed in Him.

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