Daniel and his friends choose to obey God

Daniel 1:1-21

Daniel and his friends were taken to a faraway palace. The king wanted them to learn to work for him. The king gave them some special food. Daniel and his friends knew that God did not want them to eat the kind of food that the king gave them.

Daniel and his friends wanted to obey God. Daniel asked the king’s helper to give his friends and him only vegetables and water. The king’s helper was afraid that Daniel and his friends would not be as healthy as some of the other boys who were learning to work for the king. The king’s helper knew that the king would be angry if Daniel and his friends were not healthy.

Daniel said, “Please test us for ten days. Give us only vegetables and water and then see who is healthiest—my friends and I or the others.” The king’s helper agreed to test them.

After ten days, Daniel and his friends looked healthier than any of the other young men. God helped Daniel and his friends. The king liked Daniel and his friends. He gave them important jobs.

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