Jesus talks to Mary in the garden

John 20:10-18

Mary felt very sad. She thought she would never see Jesus again. Mary went to the tomb where Jesus’ body was. Mary wanted to put some spices on Jesus’ body (as people did in Bible times when someone died).

When Mary got to the tomb, she saw that it was empty! Jesus’ body wasn’t there anymore. Mary cried and cried. She didn’t know that Jesus was alive. Mary saw two angels. They asked, “Why are you crying?”

Mary said, “Someone has taken Jesus’ body and I don’t know where they have put it.” Then Mary turned around and saw a man standing there.

“Woman,” the man said, “why are you crying? Who are you looking for?” Mary thought that He was a gardener.

Mary said, “Sir, if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him.”

The man just said her name, “Mary.” Right away Mary knew that He was Jesus and He was alive! Mary felt so happy! Jesus told Mary to go and tell His friends that He was alive.

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