The walls of Jericho fall down

Joshua 6:1-27

Joshua and the Israelites were camped outside Jericho. The people of Jericho closed the gates to the city and didn’t let anyone in or out. They were afraid. They didn’t want the Israelites to take over their city.

God told Joshua a plan to take over the city. Joshua and the Israelites did just what God said. Very quietly, they stood in a line. They didn’t say a word. They marched all the way around Jericho. They did this every day for almost a whole week.

On the last day, they marched around the city one, two, three, four, five, six, seven times. Then they stopped. The priests blew the trumpets and all the people shouted. Then the walls fell down flat! The Israelites marched straight into the city.

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