David fights Goliath

1 Samuel 17:1-58

David’s brothers were in Saul’s army. One day, David’s father sent him to visit his brothers. David saw the army getting ready to fight the Philistines. Suddenly, a giant Philistine came out. Saul’s army was afraid. They ran back to their tents.

Goliath, the Philistine giant, was more than nine feet tall. Goliath yelled, “Choose a man to fight me. If he is able to kill me, we will become your slaves. But if I win the fight, you will become our slaves.” No one in the Israelite camp wanted to fight Goliath. They didn’t think anyone could beat someone so big!

David knew that God was stronger than Goliath. David said, “I’ll go and fight him.” King Saul heard what David said. “You’re too young and small to fight Goliath,” King Saul said.

“But God helped me fight lions and bears when I took care of my father’s sheep, and God will help me now,” David answered.

Goliath laughed when he saw David. He even made fun of God! David used just his slingshot and a stone to fight Goliath. God helped David save his people from the Philistine army.

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