Ruth shows love

Ruth 1:1-22

Naomi and her family lived in Israel. But there wasn’t much food in Israel anymore. So Naomi and her family went to live in Moab. There was plenty of food in Moab.

Naomi’s two sons grew up and got married. One of them married Ruth. After a while, Naomi’s sons and husband died. Naomi was sad. She heard that there was food in Israel again, so she decided to go home.

Ruth wanted to go with Naomi. “Stay here in Moab,” Naomi said. “I don’t have any money. You would be poor if you stayed with me.”

“Please don’t tell me to leave you,” Ruth said. “I will go wherever you go. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” Ruth stayed with Naomi because she loved Naomi and she loved God. Ruth didn’t mind that they were very poor and didn’t have any way to make money.

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