Jesus says, “Follow me.”

Matthew 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11; John 1:40-42

Peter and Andrew liked to fish. They went fishing every day. Fishing was how they earned money.

One day Jesus came to the Sea of Galilee where they were fishing. Many people wanted to hear Jesus teach. The people kept crowding around Him, trying to get closer. Jesus got into Peter and Andrew’s boat. Then Jesus sat down and taught all the people who were crowded on the beach.

When Jesus finished talking to the people, Jesus told Peter to take the boat out into deeper water. Then Jesus told Peter to let down his nets to catch some fish.

When Peter and Andrew let down the nets, they caught so many fish that the nets began to break! Peter and Andrew called to their partners in another boat to come and help them. There were so many fish that when they pulled the nets with the fish into the boats, the boats began to sink. Quickly, the men rowed to shore.

Jesus said, “From now on you will catch people.” Jesus meant Peter and Andrew would tell lots of people the good news about Jesus. Peter and Andrew and their partners pulled their boats up on the beach, left everything and followed Jesus.

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